Monday, August 8, 2016

When life flashes before your eyes...

This past week, we've been keeping ourselves busy out in San Sai. We still bike a lot. Its been hot, but sometimes it rains. I'm still continuing to learn the area and we're still trying to work hard and smart. It feels like this transfer has been rushing by and the various experiences I've had on my mission thus far keep flashing back to me. This morning, we visited a waterfall which was a bit slick. I slid and almost fell and during that moment, it like my whole mission flashed before my eyes. Luckily I didn't fall and we kept moving, which is what we're doing here in San Sai. It's a very challenging area and sometimes it feels like we slip at times, but we also catch ourselves or if we do fall, we allow Christ to lift us back up so we can keep moving.

One thing I've learned on my mission is that we cannot do it alone. We really can't do very much, especially His work, if we try to do it alone, without our companion, the members, or the Lord. We need Him in every aspect of our lives. I loved the article in the most recent Liahona "Only with the Help of God". It is only with the help of God that we can accomplish true miracles in our lives and in the lives of others. It's only with His help that we can find true happiness and find the strength to overcome the obstacles that we face everyday. I find that every time I think of Him and of Jesus Christ's Atonement, I'm honestly filled with a sense of peace and the assurance that everything will work out for our good. I'm thankful for the Gospel and the opportunity to take this message to all of God's children.

We're very excited for a few of our investigators who have been making slow, but steady progress. One of which, Sister Faang, told us that she would be baptized this coming up week. It kind of took us by surprise, but we've seen how much she's changed and how far she's come. She believes that God lives, the Book of Mormon is true, and that Christ really did Atone for us. However, she is faced with the big obstacle of her family not supporting her in her decision to follow Christ. It's a hard obstacle to meet for a lot of people, especially since family is such an important thing in our lives. She has the desire to return to live with God with her family, but wants her family to accept it as well.

Despite many trials, we've also seen many blessings. We've been able to see many less-active members begin to return and have a desire to help build the Lord's kingdom as well as a few good investigators that we are continuing to hold onto. The single best thing to help others is to help them feel the Spirit, feel of the love of God. That is the single most powerful thing that can change our hearts.

The Lord will help us, enable us, guide us, teach us, and walk beside us as we do all we can.

1) It's a rainbow!
2) The highest point in Thailand!

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